Git & GitHub

"Master the powerful collaboration duo - Git & GitHub - and revolutionize your coding workflow. From beginners to experts, upskill your knowledge and streamline your development with this complete course."

Instructor: LearnwithsheroLanguage: free

Course Start Date - 20th August 2022
Course Timing - 07:30 PM - 09:00 PM
No. of Sessions - 30 Sessions (90 mins each)
Session Type - Live Sessions

About the course


Git & GitHub is a course that teaches you how to use Git, a popular version control system, and GitHub, a web-based hosting service for Git repositories. You'll learn how to collaborate with other developers, manage your code changes, and deploy your code to production environments.

Key Highlights:

  • Master version control with Git
  • Learn how to use GitHub to collaborate with other developers
  • Become proficient with Git commands and workflows

What you will learn:

  • Introduction to version control with Git
    Learn the basics of Git, including how to create a repository, stage changes, and commit your code.
  • Collaborating with other developers using Git and GitHub
    Get hands-on experience with Git workflows, including forking and merging, and learn how to use GitHub to collaborate with other developers.


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